7373 Franklin Road in Roanoke Virginia
Preparing for Your Dog’s Stay
What do I need to bring?
We supply most everything your dog will need to make his or her stay a pleasant one! We have bedding, food, bowls, toys and treats.
We supply premium kibble food called 4Health™. It is made from high-quality ingredients, with no corn, wheat, preservatives or dyes (four of the most common allergens for dogs). If your dog eats prescription food or is sensitive to changes in diet, you are welcome to bring food from home. If you do bring your own food, please package the dry food in individually bagged meals and bring only an amount sufficient for the stay, as our storage space is limited.
We also provide bedding for all of our guests! We furnish our suites with Kuranda beds. These are raised canvas beds that provide our guests with a comfortable place to rest in the privacy of their rooms. These beds are virtually indestructible so owners who previously said, “Please, no bedding – she’ll eat it!” can now rest easy knowing their loved one is too!
(Please avoid collars with dangling objects that could get caught in fencing.)
We provide all necessary bowls, bedding and toys and do not accept these items from home as we have very strict sanitizing standards.
What if my dog has never boarded before or is anxious when away from home?
We recommend a couple of Day Care visits prior to the overnight stays. This gives your dog a chance to meet our staff, get comfortable with the surroundings and routines, and to see that while you may go away, you also come back.
A segment of our guests come in with some combination of the following characteristics:
- Never boarded before or have not boarded in a long time
- Not much experience with other dogs
- Shy/reserved
- Anxious at the onset of the stay
Frequently the owners will say something along the lines of, “He doesn’t know he’s a dog…”
These guests are usually the ones that simply blossom! One of the greatest joys we experience at Aspen Grove is watching a shy dog develop self-confidence! Being able to find out they are a dog through meeting and interacting with beings that speak their language is absolutely liberating.
How can I make my dog more comfortable at check-in?
We schedule our check-ins to allow for a smooth transition for your dog. If your plans change and you find you are unable to arrive as scheduled, please shoot us an email or leave a message on our main line (540) 776-7656.
Any changes in feeding or medication should be handled prior to the time of check-in. You can help your dog stay calm by limiting the number of family members who come to check her in. Very young children who don’t understand may cry and create unneeded stress. We have a sign in our lobby that says it best:
To My Family,
Please consider my feelings when we say our goodbyes; I take my cues from you!
If you seem fearful, I’ll feel anxious…
If you’re upset, I’ll get nervous…
If you cry, I’ll wonder what’s wrong…
If you’re joyful, I’ll know this is a fun place!
Sadness & Anxiety are Contagious!
Help me feel Safe & Loved by being Relaxed & Upbeat!
From your Precious Dog