7373 Franklin Road in Roanoke Virginia
Day Care
Day Care at Aspen Grove Bed & Breakfast can provide a wonderful solution for busy “moms & dads”! Whether it’s a tightly scheduled day at the office, the housekeeper is coming or it’s just a luncheon that’s planned, your dog will enjoy a day of play at Aspen Grove! Daycare meets the needs of so many dog owners and their pets. For many of us, our dogs are like children, and to leave them cooped up all day is just not an acceptable option.
When spending the day with us your dog will have the opportunity to socialize in our recreation area where we provide a variety of toys and games including tetherball, soccer, Frisbee, and “water sports”. After a snack your dog will return to his suite for a period of quiet relaxation during the mid-afternoon. He’ll awaken refreshed and ready to head to the playground for a second round of play!
The socialization provided by regular visits is invaluable! We see our guests become less fearful, more self-confident, content dogs!
Weigh the benefits for yourself:
- Relieve Boredom
- Improve Socialization
- Ease Separation Anxiety
- Remedy Destructive Behavior
- Provide Valuable Exercise
- Increase Self Confidence
And perhaps best of all…
After a fun day at Aspen Grove, your dog will be as tired as you are and ready to spend a relaxing evening cuddling on the couch!
Just as with our lodging service, appointments are required. We want to have a suite ready and give proper planning to our playgroups. For their safety, prior to the time of check-in, we will need to see a copy of each guest’s veterinary vaccination record showing they are up to date on their Rabies, DHP-P, and Canine Cough (Bordetella).
Join us at Aspen Grove for full days of fun!