Please sign in to our new reservation platform. If you were previously registered with Aspen Grove please do not create a new customer profile, rather login with your prior credentials. You may need to reset your password. Please DO NOT create a new account if you already had an account with the prior reservation system. If you are a brand new customer to Aspen Grove you will need to create an account. Thank you for your patience during this transition.

7373 Franklin Road in Roanoke Virginia
Day Care Rates
Our day care prices are $22 a day for females and neutered males. The rate for intact males over the age of seven months is $39.
Day Care Punch Cards
For your convenience, we have a Day Care Punch Card Program. With this system you may purchase a 10-visit Punch Card to present, making arrivals and departures much easier for you and your dog. A 10-visit card provides a 15% discount off the daily rate and can be purchased for $190.
Punch Cards are good for 6-months after the issue date.
We offer early check-in times of 7:30am and 8:00am for those work schedules make it impossible to arrive during normal business hours.