7373 Franklin Road in Roanoke Virginia
Day Care Hours
With the exception of the major holidays listed below, Aspen Grove Bed & Breakfast is open for Day Care Monday through Friday.
For Day Care only, we offer two early morning arrival times starting promptly at 7:30am and 8:00am.
A member of staff comes to the lobby at 7:30am and will check Day Care guests in until 7:35am and once again at 8:00am until 8:05am.
The check-in window is only 5 mins; we recommend you set your watch to our atomic clock in the front window.
We ask that you please use only these two appointed times for early check-ins as our morning staff are tending to the needs of the dogs already under our care.
Aside from these two times, routine arrivals and departures take place during our normal opening hours: 8:30am to 12:30pm & 4:30pm to 6:30pm.
Day Care Closings:
- Monday after Easter Sunday
- Memorial Day and the Tuesday after
- July 3rd, 4th & 5th
- Labor Day and the Tuesday after
- Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after
- December 21st until January 3rd