7373 Franklin Road in Roanoke Virginia
Is Recreational Style Lodging Right for Your Dog?
At Aspen Grove we offer Recreational-Style Lodging – we believe group interaction is key in making the experience a positive one for dogs. Not to be confused with all-day freedom or group-style lodging, our guests have personal suites for down-time in addition to the social benefits of group recreation.
So how do you decide if this is the right atmosphere for your dog? Does your dog have to be an energetic party animal to enjoy a vacation at Aspen Grove? Certainly not!
Our guests simply need to be in good health and able to enjoy a stimulating environment. Group Playtime does not mean all dogs go out together. We plan our playgroups based on many things – temperament, play-style, energy level, strength, and age just to name a few. Not all groups are physically interactive with wrestling and chasing; some dogs simply enjoy the companionship of strolling, sniffing and sunbathing.
Prior socialization, while helpful, is not a requirement. Many of our clients choose us in order to improve their dog’s social skills. In fact, one of the most rewarding parts of what we do is found in helping dogs build their self-confidence! Interacting with other dogs, new people, and unfamiliar surroundings offers enrichment that can be life changing.
Some things to consider: Being away from home can be difficult for geriatric dogs and has been known to exacerbate existing health conditions. We’ve found that large dogs whose hips and leg muscles have weakened can have difficulty standing on our floors. If there is danger of falling, if your dog has stitches, is recovering from illness or injury or is at an age where even positive excitement can jeopardize health, we recommend veterinary boarding. As you would want it, our primary concern is your dog’s happiness, health and safety!
A quick note to you “moms & dads” – to make this a positive experience for you as well you’ll want to be aware that at times, just as with children on playgrounds, there can be dust-ups and disagreements. If your comfort level doesn’t include the potential for bumps and scuffs, let us know you want individual recreation only or perhaps give consideration to a more restrictive facility.
Still not sure if Recreational Style Lodging is right for your dog? Consider scheduling a Day Care visit prior to making a lodging reservation – your dog will let you know and we can help translate if needed.